Sunday, January 3, 2010

What is it?!

I am very nervous! For the last few days I have had a bad pain on my lower right ab. My dad had appendicitis when he was a bit younger than me, so I am very nervous that it will be the same thing--or something worse. Please, God, don't let it be bad. This whole day has been quite a bad day when it comes to this. It was a slight discomfort this morning but now it is a pain that doesn't go away. Its causing my right leg to be numb. In fact, my right leg has been numb to some degree almost this entire day. Honestly, I am terrified right now! I don't know how to sleep tonight because I am thinking so much. I think writing helps me feel a bit more calm. Somehow letting the panic be said makes me feel a little relieved. However, I am still at the level of fear because when my dad had appendicitis, his appendix exploded all of a sudden! I DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN TO ME! I wanted to wait for the BYU Health Center to open tomorrow morning so that I don't have to pay so much, but I don't want to risk dying or having it explode. I think I might get up and go to the ER right now.


  1. Let me know how you are doing. I hope you have gone to see who I suggested on our last day of class. I put your name in the temple last week--let me know how things are going.

  2. Sister Steadman- you don't know how much that means to me. Honestly. I am glad to tell you that I am physically doing better. My health problem required lots of testing but it turned out to be an infected cyst. Thankfully, it seems to be gone now with the help of medicine. As to the other topic, I have decided it is best to take this semester off. I went where you suggested, but they require an official approved deferment before anything, so I am getting that processed now. I will update you soon hopefully. Thanks again!
