Friday, December 11, 2009

La Amistad/Friendship

Today I made some real good friendships. And I realized the good friends I already had too. During our Nu Skin Christmas party we had, I walked in with no one (I had no date) looking for my friend, Michael Barney, who I was going to meet there. I had no clue where he was but as soon as I walked in I hear "Hone! Hone! Over here!" And it was Jeff Mabey calling me (by his nickname for me), and he invited me to come sit with them (Cory Simmons, Reagan, etc.) Since I didn't know where Michael was I sat with them. And also because they were so nice! :) After the first plate, I told them I was going to look for Michael just to say hi, so I got up and started walking around the room to find him. As I walked around, I would hear my name called out, then I would turn and it was a co-worker, either from sales or from DS, calling me. They would notice me and say hi to me. That meant so much to me. So I would stop and talk to them. Some of them even shook my hand (some in a formal way and others in a "cool" way). I began to feel happy that people even noticed me. I continued walking, though, to find Michael and his date (?--I don't know if she's just a friend) but I just could not find them. Then I saw Mark and Tricia from DS and they too called my name and stopped me to talk. They invited me to sit with them. They seemed to really want me to sit there. I felt so bad because just about five minutes prior, Alex Fisher (Claudia's husband) had actually gotten up from his table, went up to me--while I was walking--and literally took me to their table, telling me that I would sit with them. It was all such a great experience. I love people and now I see it pays off. Anyway, as I was accepting that I just was not going to find my friend, I decided to walk back to the second table I had sat at (with Alex and them) but then I heard my name again. It was Tyson Hinde (an ex-co-worker from sales) who is very cool, so I started talking to him and even got to meet his lil' brother. I miss working with Tyson, by the way. Anyway, after talking to him, I walked back--oh wait, I also saw Edule Toledo who also called my name and said hi. Then Kevan Anderson said hi. It was weird, but it was making me feel real joyful and grateful to have them.

So the night continued. I stayed at the table with Alex (they didn't really give me much option, lol) and just enjoyed my time with them. Later, after the event, Alex, Claudia, and I walked out to the parking lot together. We started talking about anything and everything. I realized that I love those guys! They are super cool. Alex is a trip! I actually think he and I could become really really good friends! I mean, it was way cool. We "chismiar" un poquito. Bueno, un monton! But they are so cool. And we got to be cultured--which matters a TON to me. At the end of the night, I realized I had made some really good friends and that I ALREADY HAVE some really good friends. There I was walking around a room looking for "A" friend, but I found many. I didn't realize I had been looking for something that I have all around me. I am so happy to say these words! Friendship! Ah :)

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