Thursday, December 3, 2009

14. Don't send a slideshow to a customer service agent

I work in a call center. Part of our job as Distributor Support agents is to help people get they're paperwork processed so that they can start getting their commissions deposited. Today, a lady called and spoke to Tricia, a friend of mine who sits right behind me. They arranged that the caller would send Tricia an email with the direct deposit forms. A few minutes later, while we had no phone calls, Tricia told me, "Hey, look, this distributor sent me a slideshow. Let's watch it." The slideshow, which we proceeded to watch and talk about for the next fifteen minutes, was about what Asian children are put through in gymnastics programs. Needless to say, it was quite shocking to know what they go through. Well, after a long discussion about our opinions on the cruelty of Asian gymnastics, about a half hour later the same caller called again but I got the call this time. She said she was calling because she had spoken to Tricia about sending direct deposit documents and wanted to verify that she had received them. I couldn't help but say, "No, but your slideshow was surely interesting, we spoke about it for a whole fifteen minutes." Sure hope that call doesn't get monitored.

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