Wednesday, October 28, 2009

5. Today I didn't want school

I went to sleep at 12 am last night because I wanted to make sure I got enough sleep for school. When I woke up today I set the alarm for a half hour late. I decided to miss Spanish 345 because it incredibly bores me. Well, I realized I would be late to the next class, Spanish 322 so I didn't go. By the time the third class came, Spanish 415B came I was, like, "Whats the point now?"

Great day!


  1. It is interesting that you are taking advanced Spanish class at the same time you are taking Freshman English.

  2. Yep, I prefer Spanish. But don't worry, your class is not that bad. :) And I'm glad the language is what you noticed about this entry. Ironically (or not), my research paper is about ESL.
